

CLASS 1 – Dwellings Use as a residence, whether or not as a sole or main residence, by any of the following

  1. A single person or by people living together as a family;
  2. Not more than six residents living together, including a household where care is provided for residents;
  3.  Lodging of not more than sixteen persons provided that the operation is licensed by the Malta Tourism Authority and the premises are located within an Urban Conservation Area;
  4. A resident concurrently with his or her occupation or business provided that it is identified as the ordinary residence of the person undertaking the occupation or business and the activity.
    1. Uses less than half the residential floor space of the dwelling capped at 50 sq m provided that the minimum dwelling size is not prejudiced;
    2. Relates to beauty and wellness related services, or professional offices, or medical services, or education, or any other activity which in the opinion of the Authority is compatible with residential use;
    3. Is not a client intensive activity;
    4. Does not generate disproportionate vehicular traffic or parking which is detrimental to the amenity of the area in which it is conducted;
    5. Can be carried on in any residential area within the Development Zone without undue detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust, grit, light, radiation or incompatible visual impact; and
    6. Is conducted in a residence which does not form part of a block of apartments or any other block of buildings accessible from an external common entrance.

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